Welcome to Aromatični kutak!

Gordana Gorinšek, mag. ing. fitomedicine
I graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Zagreb, earning the title of a graduate engineer of agronomy, majoring in Plant Protection and Master of Engineering Phytomedicine. After formal education, I completed a training program at the Aroma Academy Institution in Zagreb and earned a family aromatherapist and aromaamaser title.
At the Aroma Academy, a year later, I taught Botany and Microbiology courses, and I continue my teaching passion at the Galbanum Adult Education Institution in Zagreb, where I am the leader of the Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Grower and Processor program. My task is to bring to the students the legality of agricultural production, with an emphasis on organic production and processing of aromatic and medicinal herbs. At the same College, I am a regular lecturer in Botany courses in the Phytotherapist and Phytoaromatherapist curricula. For the purpose of improving teachers' knowledge and competences, I successfully completed the curriculum "Pedagogical-psychological education" at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb.
For four years I was involved in the production of cosmetics under the brand Aromatic corner. The experience and knowledge gained today is an essential help and foundation in the development of Good Manufacturing Practice (ISO 22716) for clients.
Realizing how important product quality and safety are, I went into further education to do just that. I successfully completed the training "Safety Assessment of Cosmetics in the EU" at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and obtained an international certification for the cosmetic safety assessor in the EU market. Behind me is a long line of cosmetic product safety assessments by domestic and foreign cosmetics companies, and cosmetic safety is the focal point of my professional work.
We rely on our knowledge and experience to provide our customers with the best possible service in the easiest way.

Who are our clients?
- All natural and legal persons who have not yet prepared cosmetic product documentation in accordance with EU legislation on cosmetics, with all the necessary product information.
- All natural and legal persons who have prepared cosmetic product documentation, with all the necessary information, but wish to verify its compliance with the EU legislation on cosmetics.
- All non-EU cosmetics manufacturers/importers who would like to place cosmetic products on the EU market.

Why us?
- We segment the cosmetic products registration process in order to make it simpler and easily understandable. We help you with each segment and support you throughout the registration process. We provide detailed instructions, various templates, schematic diagrams, etc. to facilitate and speed up the process.
- We have a flexible working schedule.
- We answer you queries as soon as possible.
- We are fully dedicated to each of our clients, meeting their needs promptly.
- We stay with you and support you throughout the market lifespan of your product.
- The prices of our services are competitive.
- Cosmetic products regulations are our field of expertise.
Aromatični kutak d.o.o. provides:
regulatory, consultancy and
education services in the field of EU cosmetics market regulations, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 requirements.
Other regulatory services include:
development of Good Manufacturing Practice Elaborate for cosmetics (ISO 22716:2007) with the supporting documentation (operating procedures, forms);
biocidal products registration, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 requirements and;
development of Safety Data Sheets for cosmetics raw materials and essential oils, in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 requirements.